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Father's and Finances

I loved the readings this week. I learned a lot and added to what I already knew. I thought this was perfect to learn right now because within the next couple of years I will hopefully be a father and I will be in charge of finances, both making money and being smart with my money.

I love what President Thomas S. Monson had to say about this. He said, “We do live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. Statistics reveal that at some time, for a variety of reasons, you may find yourself in the role of financial provider. I urge you to pursue your education and learn marketable skills so that, should such a situation arise, you are prepared to provide.” I loved this quote because he President Monson said this years ago and the same exact thing applies to us in the very day we are living in. This quote speaks to me because I am planning on finding myself in the role of financial provider, so I love the advice President Monson gives to pursue education and learn marketable skills so I am prepared to provide. This gave me an opportunity to take a step back and reflect on my life and what I’m learning. I feel like I am prepared or at least on a path of preparation to be a financial provider for myself and my future family.

I’ve have been especially lucky in my life to have my dad as a great example and father figure. My dad has always made sure my mom and us children never had to worry, and we haven’t. He has always worked super hard and worked extra hours if needed.

In marriage and family, there are many decisions that need to be made that will impact or be impacted by work. I know that whatever I do, I will work as much as I need to make sure I can provide for my family. However, family is so important to me that I have decided I will not work any job that requires me to travel a ton or be away from my family. For example, I would never be a pilot because of how much I would be away from home. This is something I can control. I think it’s also important that I counsel with my wife about different big decisions that will affect the family or marriage. One of the toughest things I am going through right now is trying to figure out what to do with a career. It’s interesting because I am not dating anyone. I would love to know who I am marrying so I could counsel with them on what to go to school for. But for now, I am just going to have to pray and make the best decision until that special girl comes into my life.

I think there are many causes to stress in marriages and divorce. In my opinion, the biggest cause is finances. I feel like many of the arguments I have ever heard in marriages whether the couple got divorced or not was because of something that had to do with finances whether it was because they weren’t making enough or whether it was an argument about a big purchase and if they should but it or not. I feel like it’s important to have the same opinions and views on what to do with money in marriages and if needed, take classes or read a book like Dave Ramsey’s to learn more about financial freedom.

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